Information, OpenSourceSoftware, OpenVAS, Security

OpenVAS – a network security scanner

OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user front-end. The core component is a server with a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect security problems in remote systems and applications.

OpenVAS products are Free Software under GNU GPL and a fork of Nessus.

The above is much cut and paste from the OpenVAS website. I’m writing this blog post because I have talked to many security professionals that miss-like that Nessus went closed source, and dont know about the OpenVAS fork.

OpenVAS-Server is a forked development of Nessus 2.2. The fork happened because the major development (Nessus 3) changed to a proprietary license model and the development of Nessus 2.2.x is practically closed for third party contributors. OpenVAS continues as Free Software under the GNU General Public License with a transparent and open development style.

And that is what we like, right?


2 thoughts on “OpenVAS – a network security scanner

  1. mohammad says:

    I am new in Openvas software.
    i want to use openvas remotely. the server has valid ip but the client machine has not valid ip.
    how i can use openvas?

    best regards


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